In 2023, a lot of small creatures from Jimmy Liao's world are making an appearance at the Starry Train in Yilan! Some are adept singers while others are wonderful musicians. The bear on the last wagon—the train conductor—courteously lifts his hat to the rabbit in the plaza.

It is said that the Starry Train can carry people feeling lost and without direction to the Diu Diu Dang Forest Plaza. The boy is actually a wizard that has secretly scattered fantastic light beams across the city. Then, as you step down from the train, you'll unexpectedly encounter classic characters from Jimmy Liao's picture books. We've entered Jimmy's stories! Furry Bunny from Secrets in the Woods welcomes the train with a fanfare on his trumpet. The middle-aged man from A Fish That Smiled at Me clasps a fish bowl and mumbles: "I will bring you back to your true home". The blind girl from Sound of Colors keeps company to travelers who took the wrong train or got down on the wrong stop, at the plaza's taxi waiting area.


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