Metro Sleepwalking
Metro Sleepwalking was specially created by Jimmy Liao in cooperation with the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation to promote reading on the Taipei MRT. The book was only sold at the 2002 Taipei International MRT Expo.
Publisher Taipei MRT&Jimmy S.P.A.
First Published 2002-04
Language Traditional Chinese


Metro Sleepwalking (pocket edition)

The book was sold out and not reprinted, triggering online bids from interested collectors.
In the pages of the palm-sized book painted with alternating black and white and colored pages, Jimmy managed to create a unique sense of space with peculiar tranquility. "Sleepwalking" in "black and white" helps the reader enter a surreal world where one can surrender all complex through to let the unrestrained mind run loose, creating a world perfectly suited for reading.
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