Best of Luck

Luck is about being able to get back up once you fall, surviving unscathed in the face of doom, and believing that you are worthy of that luckiness.

Publisher Locus Publishing Company

First Published 2021-02

ISBN 9789865549367

Language Traditional Chinese、Thai


Can I exchange my luck for yours?
Sorry, but your luck could be my doom.
Compared to those luckier than me, I am unlucky.
Compared to those unluckier than me, I am lucky.

So am I lucky or not?

Jimmy Liao says: "I think that being lucky means having the option to choose."

When Jimmy became sick in his youth, he had to give his all to face the disease because he had no option to choose otherwise. Now Jimmy thinks that if you can afford to choose what you want and what you don't want with your life, then that makes you lucky. Having experienced the best and worst of luck first-hand, Jimmy turns his deeply personal experiences into humorous words and beautiful drawings, sharing with us stories of those that fell short of the arms of lady luck, and those that fell into the good graces of certain doom. Luck and doom are like the two sides to one coin, ever-changing and unpredictable like a lover's heart. Or maybe, you really can summon luck to your side. If not lucky today, try again with a fresh start tomorrow. Luck could be just around the corner. Best of Luck Video

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