Singing in the Forest

Creating a peaceful and quiet world just takes a simple scene with a few simple characters; like a sanctuary, it gently envelopes the secrets and dreams deep within your hearts and mine.

Publisher 大塊文化

First Published 2000-03

ISBN 9577452795

Language Traditional Chinese、Simplified Chinese


The fat cat, crocodile, mouse, and frog, all attended the concert held in the forest.

A few keys tapped and a few stings plucked; a quiet whisper and a bright solo to match, together they will soothe your pain and agitation away.
With the heart blooming like spring and the smile blossoming like flowers, let us tour the shadowy trees under the crystalline moon.

Singing Jimmy and Singing in the Forest became the birthplace of many popular characters in Jimmy Liao's later works. The two books gave birth to animals like Furry Bunny, the cat, the elephant, and the all-time-favorite that is the piglet. Jimmy tells us his reflections on modern life through the animals singing and playing in the forest.

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