Superhero kids

The eternal child inside Jimmy Liao's heart is out on an adventure again. Kids speak eloquently without reservations, much to the dismay of helpless adults.

Publisher Locus Publishing Company

First Published 2023-02

ISBN 978-626-7206-61-4

Language Traditional Chinese


Adults are superheroes in children's eyes at first.

There's nothing beyond their capabilities. They can do everything children can't.
Until one day, children suddenly realize that reality is quite the opposite. Adults are fragile, too, and need to be protected, like kids. They also need to be pacified once in a while, exactly the same as children.
As technology rapidly evolves, it also becomes apparent that most children naturally master the new inventions, whereas some adults find them hard to accept and have a hard time learning to use them.
Being a kid is arduous nowadays. One has to behave well and listen to grown-ups while also acting as their teacher in many ways. What's more, when adults are unsuccessful at learning, it's not like children can tell them to write lines as punishment.

Kids around the world, please forgive those helpless adults. In fact, they're merely children living in large bodies. You must try your best to love them and stand in their shoes. It is tough to grow up and worse even, in the case of many adults, there's a child in their hearts refusing to grow up!

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