I Hope that One Day You Will Understand
May every wounded child be watched over by a star.
Publisher Locus Publishing Company
First Published 2019-05
ISBN 9991080425016
Language Traditional Chinese、Simplified Chinese


Hsiao-kuang is a lively and active boy with quirky ideas.

He feels like the world is so big and so filled with new things that he is eager to try everything. But he doesn't understand why his parents can seldom make time for him. They keep telling him to do this and that, tell him to be a good boy, to study hard, but are rarely with him. Even something as trivial as watching the stars together is so difficult.
Right as Hsiao-kuang was feeling sad and dejected, a meteor fell from the sky then a strange spaceship landed in front of him. A green star bear walked out of the ship. The star bear consoled him and said that it could take Hsiao-kuang's place. The star bear could take tests for him, take blame for him, and many, many others. So the two touched heads and swapped identities.
Jimmy Liao portrays the tug-of-war between children and adults in this cute yet thought provoking story. Whether you are a child, an adult, or an adult that never grew up, you will surely be touched by the story, hoping to meet a green star bear of your very own.
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